UK Citizens Among the Savviest Shoppers, Data Reveals

We can all agree that shopping is generally more enjoyable with a promotional code. With global online searches for discount, coupon, sale and deal reaching a total of 1,698,000 results a month, shopping frugally is evidently on our minds.


Intrigued to find out which country is home to the savviest shoppers, money saving experts,, utilised online analytics tool Ahrefs and analysed discount synonyms against 45 global countries. The results were dealicious…


The Top Ten Countries Most Savvy Shopping Online
Rank Country Official Language Internet Users Total Annual Search Results Average Annual Search Results Per 1,000 Active Internet Users
1 France French 58,038,536 3,468,000 59.8
2 Spain Spanish 42,400,756 1,560,000 36.8
3 Canada English 33,950,632 1,042,800 30.7
4 The UK English 65,001,016 1,932,000 29.7
5 Malta English 344,970 10,080 29.2
6 Sweden Swedish 9,554,907 259,800 27.2
7 Austria German 7,681,957 181,800 23.7
8 Brazil Portuguese 160,010,801 3,780,000 23.6
9 Germany German 77,794,405 1,802,400 23.2
10 Ireland English 4,024,552 89,400 22.2

In first place, France takes the title as the country most interested in discounts with a yearly total of 3,468,000 relevant search results (9,501 a day) – that’s 59.8 searches per 1,000 active internet users! Sales (soldes) takes 49% of France’s total annual search results with 1,716,000. Following behind is coupon (816,000), deal (792,000) and discount (144,000).

The world’s second most savvy shoppers are Spain’s citizens. The country’s search volume for sales (780,000), deals (396,000), discount (252,000) and coupons (132,000) rack up to a total of 1,560,000 online results per year! With 42,400,756 internet users, this equates to 36.8 searches per 1,000 people looking online for a bargain!

Ranking in third with 30.7 searches per 1,000 people, Canada has a sum of 1,042,800 online results. Canadian citizens search for discount the most (648,000), followed by sale (240,000), coupon (105,600) and deal (49,200).

In fourth place is the UK with 29.7 online search results per 1,000 from its 1,932,000 annual search volume. Sales bags 1,332,000 online search results making up a massive 69% of the search volume.

Swedish citizens are the sixth most savvy with their annual search results of 259,800 and an active internet population of 9,554,907, they achieve 27.2 searches per 1,000 people. 

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