UK workforce shrinking due to mental health epidemic and chronic health conditions

The UK is currently navigating a worsening mental health epidemic that is fuelling significant staff shortages and increasing drop-out rates. Recent figures show that chronic health conditions, including psychiatric illness and poor well-being, are perpetuating work absenteeism and high turnover in almost nine million Brits. It is said that About 15 million people in England have a long-term condition for which there is currently no cure and is managed with traditional meds. Medical cannabis has become increasingly valuable in easing symptoms of chronic pain and psychiatric illnesses such as stress and anxiety. Jon Robson, CEO and founder of the UK’s leading private medicinal cannabis clinic, Mamedica, is available to discuss the benefits of taking prescription-based cannabis for stress symptoms and how to safely access treatment.

Stemming from the emergence of CBD oils and therapies for managing anxiety and stress in adults, there has been growing evidence of the benefits of medical-grade cannabis for treating a range of anxiety disorders, including stress. For example, the results of one study showed that patients inhaling cannabis on a regular basis for stress saw a significant reduction in their adverse feelings in 89.3% of sessions.

In a nationally representative study, Mamedica found that 14% of Brits have left a long-term mental health issue untreated over many years in order to avoid prescription drugs. With anti-depressants and SSRIs being the primary option for treating common mental health issues, there is a significant lack of awareness about the benefits medical cannabis has on anxiety and stress. In fact, Mamedica found that 57% of Brits were not even aware that they could get a prescription for medicinal cannabis through NHS and private services in the UK.

Current prescriptions for anxiety disorders use low doses of Tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as THC, the psychoactive substance in cannabis and higher levels of CBD to induce calming effects. Private services like Mamedica offer advice and guidance on the appropriate strains for each condition using computer-generated and machine-learned algorithms to assist pharmacists and doctors in the prescribing process.

Dr Anup Mathew, a psychiatric consultant for Mamedica, talks about her experience prescribing medicinal cannabis for her patients with common mental health issues:
“Their mood, their hope, their view of the future – everything changed. Their side effect profiles changed because they were able to reduce their prescriptions for traditional medications – and in some cases come off those medications completely. Patients became less anxious, better able to function, were able to go back to work, start new relationships and engage with their families again. ”

Jon Robson, CEO of Mamedica says:
“Our service offers unrestricted access to the widest range of cannabis-based prescription medicines available in the UK, and our healthcare model has been designed to deliver the fastest speed of service, from initial consultation to the patient receiving their prescription.”

Who is eligible to use Mamedica’s services?

The service can be accessed by anyone, on a referral basis, that meets the health criteria and is over the age of 18. The service user will have to have had at least two other licensed medications or therapies for their condition, prior to accessing Mamedica, as prescribed by a GP or other licensed specialist. To be eligible, the patient should have no prior or existing diagnosis of Schizophrenia or Psychosis.

How does the service work?

Upon referral, the client will be asked a series of questions to ensure they are eligible to access treatment. If a person qualifies, a team specialist will retrieve their Patient Records from existing NHS portals. Once all existing health records have been received, the patient will be booked in for an initial consultation, followed by a follow-up consultation the next month, and will receive their prescribed and bespoke treatment package delivered to their door. Patients can then expect to attend regular, quarterly meetings to monitor and assess the effectiveness of their treatment.

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