Unblocktober celebrates the success of 2023 campaign

Unblocktober celebrates the success of 2023 campaign
Unblocktober 2023 reached new heights for the drain and waterway health campaign
Unblocktober has celebrated its fifth campaign year in 2023, “with a variety of high-profile businesses, influencers and politicians joining with the public to show their support.
Unblocktober 2023 saw 303 businesses sign up with 68,424 total sign ups to the Unblocktober pledge.
The Unblocktober pledge is a promise for individuals and businesses to keep potentially harmful waste materials out of one’s drains for the whole month.
This includes any of the following products:
Cooking oil – pre or post-cooking
Cooking sauces and condiments
Food – even crumbs
Wet wipes
Face masks
Tampons, applicators and wrappers
Sanitary/menstrual pads and towels
Cotton buds
Contact lenses
Bandages and plasters
Razor blades
Dental floss
Rubber gloves
This year, support came from a huge range of influential organisations and individuals, including MPs Fleur Anderson and Cherilyn Mackrory, water companies South West Water, Guernsey Water, Southern Trent and Scottish Water, the National Association of Drainage Contractors, and ethical social media company Earthtopia.
Jacob Larkin, spokesperson for Unblocktober said: “With this year being the fifth year of Unblocktober, we were keen to make sure it was the best one so far. The support from all corners of the UK, and via a huge range of industries and professions, was a great indicator that we’re achieving our goal of putting the vital issues of drain and sewer health in the national spotlight .
“However, Unblocktober simply wouldn’t work without the support of the British public. We are so pleased to have recruited more than 68,000 supporters for our cause and can’t wait to continue to spread the Unblocktober message in the years to come.”
Driven completely by the British public, and launched by drainage experts Lanes Group in 2019, the Unblocktober campaign aims to continue to improve the health of our drains and reduce the environmental impact of our wastewater.
For more information on the campaign and how to get involved, visit: https://www.unblocktober.org/