Upping Your Elvis launch new initiative to improve their mental wellbeing

Personal energy business Upping Your Elvis is launching Talk It Out, a free social enterprise programme proven to help reduce stress levels and increase self-awareness, ahead of Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19 May 2019).
Created by Upping Your Elvis co-founder, speaker and author Chris Baréz-Brown the hour-long, easy-to-use programme is designed to positively impact participants’ mental wellbeing. Comprised of a warm up, followed by 20 minutes of walking and talking with a partner, taking it in turns to participate in uncensored discussions about issues concerning them, Talk It Out can be done anywhere at any time.
“Creativity spikes by 60 per cent when we walk*,” explained Chris Baréz-Brown. “The experience of talking continuously for 20 minutes while walking briskly allows Talk it Out participants to process subconscious concerns and, in just 60 minutes, get clarity on an issue that’s really important to them.
“We know how to look after our bodies by eating well and exercising, yet very few of us invest in looking after our minds. Our brain is a muscle, like all others in our body, and it needs to be taken care of. Talk it Out gives us the space to do just that.
“We have chosen to launch it as a free tool for businesses and individuals during Mental Health Awareness Week because we are firm believers that the journey to improve our nation’s mental health and wellbeing doesn’t have to be monetised and, by removing the monetary barrier, we hope more people will get involved.”
According to a brand-new study by Bristol University, Talk It Out has been proven to help reduce stress levels, increase confidence and improve self-awareness. 85 per cent of the study’s participants experienced a positive impact after using the programme, with one respondent claiming is felt ‘like a weight being lifted off my shoulders – I feel lighter and happier’.
Talk it Out is the first social enterprise launched by Upping Your Elvis, the personal energy training business that has trained professionals and senior business leaders from global brands including ITV, Nike, Roche and Unilever.