Virtual Well-being Weekender LINE-UP ANNOUNCED

The Live Life Well Weekender 2.0 is the second virtual well-being festival being hosted to help support the public’s health and well-being in these extraordinary times, featuring over 30 of the UK’s best well-being experts and ambassadors including; Dr Radha Modgil, Dr Aaron Balick, Dr Claudia Herbert, Men’s health champion Anthony Astbury, Ex Boxing pro Johnny Nelson, Steph Peltier, Kirsty Hulse, Natalie Penicotte-Collier among many others.
This three-day virtual festival from the 11-13th September 2020, will see over 30 expert speakers, campaigners and professionals come together again, to discuss the personal, social and cultural impacts of COVID-19.
The festival will explore current concerns around mental health, loneliness, career and unemployment, managing our money, child development, self-care and much more, to help provide better access to much needed advice and expertise to support people in these extraordinary times.
HEALTH – ‘Long Covid’ and the long-term health impacts of the disease with Dr Dawn Harper,’This Too Shall Pass: The Lessons Learnt from Lock-down, the psychological impact, as well as how to build resilience and make decisions for the future with psychologist Dr Aaron Balick and Psychologist and stress and trauma specialist Dr Claudia Herbert.
CULTURE – Dr Radha Modgil will be joined by Presenter Kevin Duala to discuss ‘Ordinary People, Extraordinary Times’ – a look at how we have adapted and what we can do to empower ourselves to look after our own wellbeing, connect and re-build as a community and individuals for the future. Uju Asika will also be joining us to discuss the new book ‘Bringing up Race’: How to Raise a Kind Child in a Prejudiced World.
PARENTING – Suzanne Alderson, founder of Parenting Mental Health, Anna Ceesay, founder of Motherdom and psychologist Dr Andrew Mayers will be discussing the pressures on parents throughout lock-down and all things parental mental health. Child psychologist Natalie Costa will also join Head teacher Natasha Dangerfield of Westonbirt School and Suzanne for a discussion on ‘A Strong Return to School for our Children’ and how we can safeguard them in these confusing times.
MONEY – Clever with Cash writer Andy Webb will join financial well-being expert Darren Laverty and Money Mindset Coach Cat Plummer to talk about ‘Beating the Money Blocks: and how to better manage your money in times of uncertainty.
LIFESTYLE – Suzy Reading will be offering a relaxation and mindfulness session on ‘Self-Care for Tough Times’. What the Health Events will be exploring ‘Obestiy: Is it Your Fault?’ and delving into the complexities of diet culture. whilst we also look at ‘Relationship Dynamics in A Pressure Cooker: How to cope with the intense emotions and change’, and we’ll be talking to Steph Peltier who will offer her ‘ No Bullshit Guide to Finding Happy’ and much more.
MEN’S HEALTH – We will also be talking about ‘Why Therapy Isn’t Made for Men’ with Anthony Astbury of the Wholeman Academy, Ed Draper from Sky Sports and ex professional boxer Johnny Nelson.
CAREER & WORKPLACE – There will also be dedicated workplace talks for business on; ‘How to find work After Redundancy’ with Alexa Shoen, ‘How to Get Back into Work and the Real World’ with Motivational speaker Kirsty Hulse, and ‘Beat the Money Blocks’ and managing your finances in times of uncertainty, as well as how to ‘Set Goals and Find your Purpose’ post lockdown with international business lead and motivational speaker Kemi Nekvapil.
FITNESS & CREATIVE WORKSHOPS – There will also be a range of practical workshops on creativity, self-expression, dance, fitness and health, including; how to manage physical ‘Ware and Tear in Lock-down’, ‘Hormone Workouts’ to balance the body, fitness sessions with Daylsford’s PT and fitness trainer James Golden, and much much more, allto support you and your family emotionally and physically.
The Coronovirus (COVID-19) pandemic is the biggest health crisis for generations. It has had catastrophic impacts on our daily lives and early research shows that it will continue to do so for years to come[1].
Statistics show that at least half a million more people in the UK may experience mental ill health as a result of Covid-19, says first forecast from Centre for Mental Health[2]. More than two-thirds of adults in the UK (69%) report feeling somewhat or very worried about the effect COVID-19 is having on their life[3]. The most common issues affecting wellbeing are worry about the future (63%), feeling stressed or anxious (56%) and feeling bored (49%).
“Whether it’s mental health, loneliness, boredom, stress related to employment or money worries, how the experience will impact our children for the future, to the wider economic impact, COVID-19 has impacted every area of our lives and it is likely to have a lasting impact on us for years to come” say organisers of the event.
“It is therefore vital that we take action now to help mitigate these effects, which is why our community is coming together once again to host a second virtual festival, providing access to the resources people need to support their health and well-being now.”
Co-founder of the Live Life Well Weekender Lottie Keble-Wyatt said of the festival; “Feedback from the May event was unbelievably positive, with a huge amount of gratitude from people for the high-quality content, and informative talks and discussions that addressed some of the main issues people are facing every day in lockdown. The festival provided people with a real sense of inspiration, support, and hope in these challenging times.
“Now as we look to society working towards returning to a new norm, we want to make sure we continued to support our nations’ well-being, and look at the new topics and concerns that our society is facing.”
The Live Life Well Weekender 2.0 will once again be a not-for-profit event and accessible to all, with FREE tickets for all front-line and key workers, students, as well as those in need who are on low incomes or unemployed as a result of the pandemic.
A nominal fee of £12 per household for General Admission provides visitors with access to the whole three-days of content, of which all profits received will go charity to support the NHS CHARITIES NATIONAL COVID 19 APPEAL. All contributors are doing this event for FREE, so if you can afford to pay, please do contribute to the hard-working team behind this virtual event.
Register for your tickets today via the website or head straight to the box office Eventbrite.