Will TellTails entrepreneur get an offer on the table on Dragons Den?

This Sunday October 8th entrepreneur Hannah Gourlay founder of TellTails will embark on the daunting task of pitching her business of costume tails on Dragons Den in attempt to win investment from the business moguls.
Budding entrepreneur, Hannah Gourlay from Hackney was intent on making a scene and promoting every viewer at home to ‘Claim back their tails – Tails which have been so mercilessly robbed from us through evolution.’
She had just 3 minutes to win them over.
A passionate, hardworking, single mum, Hannah started the business 5 years ago in her bedroom when she decided to make herself a lions tail to wear at a festival.
‘It just took over. I wore the tail to a festival and the reactions were incredible. At that point I knew this was bigger than I’d thought. I returned to sell a menagerie of different species at the festival from monkeys to squirrels, lions to dinosaurs. The tails sold out in under three hours,’
Since then Hannah has grown the company into an international business being stocked in the most prestigious shops from Hamleys, Fenwicks, and recently selling out at John Lewis and ASOS.
But will she be able to crack the ‘no-nonsense’ dragons and get them to try on a tail for themselves?
“If I can get them wearing one on they’ll understand the tail magic! You’ve just got to try it’, explains Hannah.
We’re expecting this to be the most talked about episode yet.