Workers get the worst night’s sleep of the YEAR this week

New research from Benson’s for Beds shows that UK employees have the worst night’s sleep of the YEAR on the night of their work’s Christmas party, with 65% getting less than five hours sleep.
80% of those who went to work the next day said they were five times less productive, spending most of the day wishing they were back in bed and doing little to NO work.
To show you exactly how your body reacts, we’ve taken an in-depth look at the 24-hour aftermath of a typical Christmas party, analysing the toll alcohol and sleep deprivation takes on your brain and body.
Alcohol stays in your system until 1pm the next day, and takes your body on a roller coaster of emotion in 24 hours. We’ve broken the 24 cycle down by hour, using indepth research to show how you’ll feel at during the party. during sleep, and during a hangover. See the full information here: