Would you purchase this spacious, modern property at £250k?

The spacious, modern home that costs just £250,000 – But only some are eligible to purchase
Spacious, fully equipped and offering a high standard of living, the vast majority of people would happily live in the properties pictured, particularly given the fact they cost just £275,000 on average. However, while desirable, only a small segment of homebuyers would actually qualify if they were to pursue a purchase.
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A survey commissioned by Quickmove Properties asked respondents, based on the above images, if they considered the homes featured to be spacious, with 78% answering yes.
92% of respondents also believed they were modern, with 97% stating that they thought these homes were fully equipped to live in.
What’s more 92% thought they delivered a high standard of living and 82% of those surveyed said they would be happy to live in one of these homes themselves.
No surprise then, given their obvious appeal, that 72% of those surveyed put the value of these properties at £300,000 or more.
What 67% were surprised to learn is that on average, these homes command a property price tag of just £275,000 in the current market.
Even more surprising still is the fact that the homes pictured are park homes, rather than bricks and mortar properties, catching 89% of those surveyed by surprise.
While 27% of respondents already had a good opinion of park homes, 46% stated that seeing the standard of living they provide had improved their opinion for the better.
So much so that 42% of respondents would now be more likely to consider a park home as a potential future property.
The bad news? While some park home sites accept buyers of all ages, the best are often restricted to those over the age of 45 and over.
Sales Director at Quickmove Properties, Mark O’Dwyer, commented:
“Gone are the days when park homes offered a below par level of living akin to a holiday home with just enough comfort and amenities to make it through a week or two away.
In fact, today’s park homes offer all of the home comforts you would expect from any bricks and mortar property and you may be surprised at just how modern and spacious they can be.
As our research shows, you wouldn’t be alone in this respect and for those considering downsizing in later life, a park home is a consideration well worth making.
This weekend marks the 20th annual World of Park and Leisure Homes Show 2023 which will be taking place at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire. Why not come down and see what other surprises a park home could have in store?.”