“You can’t park there!” No go parking spots identified

Drivers are being urged to check parking rules before leaving their cars overnight in a new location to avoid the risk of a hefty fine.
Experts at LeaseCar.uk have named the parking spaces where motorists should never park overnight if they want to avoid angry complaints or expensive penalties.
Motorists may be tempted to park in a new location if they are visiting friends for the night or attending an event but doing so can lead to a large bill if the spot isn’t suitable.
Spaces in the street can be tempting but the experts say all drivers should check signage to see if there are any restrictions.
Other spots such as public car parks and supermarkets can seem like a great place to leave a vehicle overnight but can result in a painful penalty.
Although parking outside a neighbour’s driveway may not be illegal, it is very inconsiderate and should be avoided. In other locations, such as taxi ranks, it is against the law to park up, especially for long periods overnight.
Drivers should also stay updated on the Highway Code for the most recent laws and regulations on parking vehicles.
A spokesperson for LeaseCar.uk said: “Most of us drivers know that we can’t park our cars overnight in certain areas, or on certain road markings. And, many of us don’t want to run the risk of parking somewhere which may result in a stolen vehicle, vandalism, or an expensive fine.
“That’s why it is important to check where it is illegal to park your car overnight. Not only that, but spots which aren’t illegal, but which will cause major grievances, like parking in front of your neighbour’s driveway, are inconsiderate.
“It is also key to ensure that you are not parked anywhere which could be a danger to others – such as cyclists and emergency service vehicle access.”
Here is LeaseCar.uk’s guide to where not to park overnight.
Taxi rank
It may seem like a good idea for some to park up overnight in an empty taxi rank, but this can actually land drivers a fine, as it is only legal for licensed public taxis to park there. Not only that, but this will mess up the flow of the taxi system and will deeply annoy taxi drivers.
Car parks
Before parking, it is important to check to see if overnight stays are allowed in certain car parks. Even though it may seem easy to get away with if the car park is not ticketed, parking here overnight is a no go, as car parks use ANPR cameras to catch any illegal visitors – if caught, a hefty fine could be on the way.
Cycle lanes
Many drivers may think it is fine to park on a cycle lane overnight as there are no cyclists out during this time; however, bike users still may be using the cycle lanes during all hours of the day and night. There are dedicated cycle lanes for a reason: to prevent any accidents with vehicles, parked or not. Cyclists will be forced to swerve around parked cars, potentially putting themselves and other road users in danger.
In front of the neighbour’s driveway
Parking in front of neighbour’s driveways has always caused many grievances with homeowners. Not only is it very annoying for the owner of the driveway, but parking out in front, not only blocks access in and out of their drive, but also causes disruptions to getting to work, or needing to leave the house in an emergency.
Do not prevent emergency service access
Although this may be obvious to drivers, it is still worth reiterating that it is crucial not to park anywhere which could prevent access for ambulances, fire engines and police vehicles. Although this shouldn’t be done at any point throughout the day, parking on a narrow street or somewhere with tight access is especially bad at nighttime as there is much less chance for drivers to be able to move their vehicles quickly.
Direction of the traffic flow is important
The Highway Code makes it illegal to park vehicles which are facing against the direction of traffic flow, overnight. The only exception to this rule is unless there is a dedicated, and recognised, parking space to allow drivers to do so.
Check signage
It might be tempting to park overnight on a nearby street, but doing so could incur fines if it is illegal to. That’s why it is important to check around signage in parking spots on the street or in car parks – signs will outline any times or days where drivers cannot park up.