£2.7 million fund to tackle parental conflict

A £2.7 million fund to increase support for disadvantaged families at risk of parental conflict has been announced by the Minister for Family Support, Housing and Child Maintenance, Justin Tomlinson.
Parental conflict can range from a lack of warmth and emotional distance, right through to verbal abuse. If children are exposed to this sort of distress over longer periods of time, their emotional and social development can be significantly affected. It may stop children from doing as well at school or even impact their career chances in later life.
Children most at risk are those with parents who are out of work, on low incomes, or struggling with physical and mental health conditions.
The fund will be made up of 2 separate strands.
£1.1 million of funding for projects to support families at a greater risk of parental conflict
Parental conflict could be caused by a range of complex issues experienced by families, including debt trouble, divorce and mental health issues. Projects will look at new solutions to address parental conflict as part of these wider family challenges.
Innovation might include suggestions on how local services can work together better or targeted interventions for families.
£1.6 million of funding for digital support to help parents find help online
Pioneering approaches are needed to better improve access to digital support for families at risk of parental conflict.
Grant participants will be asked to develop creative solutions which target digital help at parents with low digital skills and who live in low income and workless households.
The Reducing Parental Conflict Challenge Fund is part of a wider programme which encourages councils across England to integrate approaches addressing parental conflict into their local services for families.