42% of women are currently experiencing hair loss or thinning

British women have revealed their fears about hair loss, over 40% currently experiencing hair loss /hair thinning.

The survey by hair and scalp specialists Philip Kingsley revealed that London is the most affected region in the UK, with 77% of women experiencing hair loss. Philip Kingsley has shone a light on British women’s feeling towards hair loss and hair thinning unveiling that 52% of women feel self-conscious about their hair loss, along with feeling less confident (42%), embarrassed (35%) and less feminine (31%).

British women also revealed that nearly a third (30%) felt that hair thinning impacts them the most, followed by a visible scalp (20%) and a further 19% are affected most when they see excess hair shedding, on the floor, pillow or in the shower.

The pressures of modern living are also contributing to women’s hair loss and hair thinning, with almost three quarters (73%) stating that they feel their stress is giving them thinner locks and 23% still had no idea that nutrition was so intrinsic to hair health.

Philip Kingsley Brand President and Trichologist, Anabel Kingsley noted, “hair is non-essential to physical survival, it is the ultimate reflection of our nutritional status and wellbeing. I see so many women experiencing hair loss resulting from dietary inadequacies. I also consult to women each week with undiagnosed and untreated Iron, Ferritin, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D deficiency and/or hormonal imbalances which are worsening both hair loss (hair shedding and hair density changes). On top of this, women feel pressure to have-it-all and do-it-all, sending cortisol levels rocketing, which affects their hair growth and health.”

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