44% of people in the UK have changed their view and use of technology because of the pandemic

 A study by Toluna, a tech company operating in the market research space, about consumer technology usage in the UK. The study surveyed 1,044 people in the UK.


The Covid-19 pandemic has forever changed how we view and use technology in the UK.

Technology usage for health and fitness and the smart home has hugely increased with 46% of people now using a lot more technology to keep fit and well. 40% of respondents are investing in smarter technology innovations in the home too.

In terms of typical technology we now use, the research found that:

  • 52% of people in the UK own a smart TV
  • 33% of people in the UK use voice recognition technology (such as Apple Siri, Amazon Echo, Google Home)
  • 26% of those surveyed own a smartwatch
  • 23% of respondents own a wearable tech device to measure physical and health activity
  • 13% own a virtual reality or augmented reality headset
  • 12% are using 5G technology

Smart technology is a popular choice for UK consumers and features strongly in consumer shopping plans in the next 6 months:

  • 25% of respondents plan to buy a smart TV
  • 19% of those surveyed will buy a smartwatch
  • 19% of people will purchase connected lights
  • 17% of people will buy connected heaters
  • 16% of respondents will invest in 5G technology
  • And 9% are even planning to experience a smart robot or humanoid

The smart home is a particular focus for us, with people planning to make the following purchases on smart home technology in the next 6 months:

  • Smart technology bulbs – 36%
  • Home security (e.g Ring, SimpliSafe, Nest) – 35%
  • Connected home devices (e.g Nest, Ecobee) – 29%
  • Connected appliances (e.g smart refrigerator, washing machine) – 26%
  • Connected home fitness (e.g Peloton) – 23%

An overwhelming majority (66%) believe retailers should invest in and be using smart technology to better meet consumer’s needs with:

  • 48% of those surveyed said that retailers should use smart or foldable displays
  • 43% said they should be using wearable technology devices
  • 42% of respondents believed speech recognition / voice search should be used in retailing environments
  • 41% believe retailers should implement facial technology

When it comes to their employers though, 60% of people in the UK do not think they’re up to speed with the latest developments in smart technology. When asked why:

  • Over a third of people (36%) said it’s because their company or organisation has simply not adopted smart technology capabilities
  • 28% of those surveyed said that the technology and IT equipment is outdated
  • 16% of workers in fact use their own technology at work to help them do their job (BYOD)

We’re also intrigued by, and keen to use, virtual technology:

  • 29% use VR via their mobile device
  • 20% use AR via a video game
  • 16% have used VR in a store or shop to preview cosmetics or other products
  • Only 8% use VR in their workplace

When asked, 47% of people said they would be more likely to buy a product if they could try it on virtually or see how it would look in their home.

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