Accountants from around the world gain insights from Reanda UK during prestigious Chinese conference

Accountants from across the globe have been provided with insights into the current economic state of the UK and its accounting, taxation and advisory sector by delegates of Reanda UK.
Alain Stechler, a Senior Partner at the UK member firm of Reanda International spoke at the organisation’s recent Annual Conference in Beijing, which marked the 25th anniversary of the network’s founding firm, Reanda China.
Accountants from 35 territories spread across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, the Far East and Australasia took part in the event, which provided them with an excellent opportunity to share local expertise from their own jurisdictions and make new connections with their fellow Reanda International members.
With the number of member firms rapidly increasing year on year globally, Reanda International has grown quickly to become one of the world’s leading accounting networks.
The key question for Alain and Reanda UK, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Top 100 accountancy firm Grunberg & Co, was ‘Brexit’.
During his presentations to the conference and subsequent one-to-one discussions, he was able to reassure other member firms about the number of opportunities in Britain, reiterating that the country is very much open for business, despite some of the uncertainty created by the UK’s planned departure from the EU in March.
During the trip Alain also had a chance to take in some of the sights and to meet with local businesses interested in trading with the UK that require specialist accounting, taxation and business advisory services.
“There is a vast appetite for UK products and services in China and we continue to receive a number of enquiries from businesses across South East Asia about our services and more generally about investment in Britain,” Alain added.