An exclusive first look at Brit chiller THE EXORCISM OF KAREN WALKER’s trailer

Hereford Films has today unleashed trailer for their Brit chiller THE EXORCISM OF KAREN WALKER!
A delightfully old school horror movie in the tradition of the Hammer and Amicus films of the 1970s, THE EXORCISM OF KAREN WALKER is the first film to fully explore the concept of Kirlian photography – a process of photographing a person’s ‘aura’.
THE EXORCISM OF KAREN WALKER is produced by movie veteran Jonathan Sothcott, the man responsible for popular Britflicks such as Vendetta and the We Still Kill The Old Way series, and something of a closet horror fan.
THE EXORCISM OF KAREN WALKER is released on DVD (ASDA, HMV, Amazon) and all digital platforms on February 18, 2019 and is available to pre-order now: