August is the most popular month for house moves in the UK, DJ Toby Anstis creates Home Movers Playlist

A survey by Access Self Storage, ahead of Home Movers Day on 19th August, finds that music, for one in five (22%) of young UK adults is key to being stress free through the entire process of a house move.
Moving is often considered one of the most stressful life events, but the right soundtrack can transform the experience into an enjoyable journey. As moving day approaches, incorporating different types of music at each stage of the process can significantly reduce stress, influence mood and boost productivity.
The survey, of 2,000 UK adults also revealed that three in ten UK adults (30%) who have moved in the past decade also rely on the support of friends and family to stay calm during the often stressful moving process. Additionally, one in four (26%) of those surveyed ensured they have enough time to manage the move, while almost a quarter, (23%) meticulously planned every stage of the process in advance, to keep stress levels low.
When examining the types of music listened to at various stages of the move, uplifting and mood-boosting genres consistently topped the charts. This preference for upbeat music remained steady throughout all phases of the moving process, 27% during planning, 23% while packing, 18% during the waiting period, and 22% during the actual move.
August has proven to be the most popular month of the year to move house, for the last 11 years**, with movers taking advantage of warmer weather and the addition of Bank Holidays.
Ahead of the most popular move time, and understanding the importance of keeping calm through a house moving process, Access Self Storage enlisted the help of Heart FM Radio DJ, Toby Anstis, to curate the ultimate ‘Moving House Playlist,’ to support any home mover from start to finish.
Of his playlist, which will be available to download free of charge now at Spotify, Anstis said “As a radio DJ, and having been lucky enough to do it for over three decades, this is something new and satisfying, to curate the Access Self Storage Home Movers Playlist.
Music plays a really big part in our lives, and I’ve handpicked these tracks to help anyone through the house moving process. The right song at the right time can make all the difference to the emotional journey we go on when moving house, and hopefully this playlist will complement and nicely support that.”