Banksy Property Worth An Estimated £19 Million

One of the world’s most renowned artists has struck again, this time in Finsbury Park, London!
Over the weekend a painting appeared on a block of Finsbury Park flats, causing mass speculation. Not only have people been going crazy for the art but local residents have voiced concerns that prices of rent could be on the increase.
Off the back of this, Kitchen retailer Magnet Trade has revealed that the Banksy mural flats could now be worth an estimated £19 million.
Finsbury Park Flats estimated to increase in price by 1401%
Owner of the Finsbury Park building, Mr Georgiou, told the Evening Standard he bought the building in 2012 for £400,000 and claims it would now be worth around £1.3 million.
In the last few years a property in Nottingham with a Banksy mural sold for 1401% more than its original value.
Taking into account the increase of 1401% that Nottingham’s Banksy-painted house sold for, featuring the mural ‘Hula Hooping Girl’ Magnet Trade has estimated that the Finsbury Park flats could sell for an estimated £19 million now that they’ve been used as Banky’s latest canvas.
However, it’s not only this property that will reap the reward of this mural. With the average house price in Finsbury Park standing at£719,540, its estimated prices of houses on the same road may increase by up to 320% based on previous evidence.
Magnet Trade estimates this could now cause houses in Finsbury Park to be worth up to an estimated £3,022,100.