BBC Three Star Oli London Immortalised as a Simpsons Character

The star of British BBC Series: Being British East Asian and American TV shows, E! Botched Obsessed and CBS Dr. Phil has officially been immortalised as a Simpsons cartoon character.

The iconic TV series, which first aired back in 1989 has featured numerous celebrity Cameos from Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga and Simon Cowell and now the British Kpop singer- or so it seems.

An exclusive photo has been released showing London drawn as one of the famous yellow characters of the hit cartoon series.

The image released by cartoon company, Turned Yellow shows Oli walking the streets of Springfield dressed in a grey coat with his famous blonde hair and oversized lips.

The cartoon drawing company is famed all over the world for its iconic Simpsons drawings and you can apply for your very own Simpsons Cartoon today at @turnedyellow

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