Blind Photographer Launches Charity to Assist Visually Impaired

Internationally acclaimed legally blind photographer, David Katz, has launched a charitable foundation which will help people with all types of visual impairment and offer a support network to the families of people, specifically children, who are visually impaired.
Katz, who was born legally blind, made a career as a photographer working for some of the world’s top media publications and has photographed royalty, celebrities, top politicians and some of the world’s biggest events, adds: “Everyone knows someone who is visually impaired, even if it is not common knowledge.”
In fact, Katz did not share his disability publicly for the duration of his photographic career due to the stigma attached to being a photographer with visual impairment.
He comments: “When I started as a photographer, if my disability would have been common knowledge, my career would have been over before it began. The message that I am spreading is that everything is possible and ‘there is no such word as can’t’. These are words that have become my mantra and words that I now live by. With the development of programmes and technology to assist the visually impaired, the David Katz Foundation will play a big part in empowering the visually impaired to take more control of their disability and learn that no goal is an impossible dream.”
The goals of The David Katz Foundation (charity registration number 1181378) are as follows:
· To offer advice and support to people with all types of visual impairment
· To establish a network of counsellors for the families of people with visual impairment
· To raise public awareness on the individual types of visual impairment and to bring about a public change in attitude and mindset towards the visually impaired
· To offer alternative methods of relief to combat the ongoing physical effects of living with visual impairment
· To offer financial assistance for technology which is being developed to aid visually impaired people on a day-to-day basis