‘Brits Irresponsible Health and Lifestyle Choices are Costing The NHS Millions’ – Former NHS Nurse And MD Of VitaminIV and Collagen Aesthetics
The National Health Service is continuing to struggle under the weight of increasing demand. This isn’t just as a result of population changes, but lifestyle choices, too. While there are continued demands for more resources and greater funding for UK medical services, concerns are growing over just how much responsibility people are taking with regard to their individual health and wellbeing. The need for the NHS has never been greater.
Julieann Pollitt MSc, managing director at Vitamin IV UK and Collagen Aesthetics, is confident that the more people adopt healthier lifestyle choices, the quicker the NHS can start to heal from its various problems.
“The NHS is only equipped to handle so many queries and so many problems, and spend so much money,” Pollitt states. “While much of the treatment offered by our hospitals supports mortality, chronic illness and hereditary conditions, many people could avoid using the health service altogether. Individuals could be taking greater responsibility by adopting healthier lifestyle choices.”
“Is the British government really doing enough to educate and support the public? There needs to be more help for the private sector – so that we can continue to encourage awareness of options available to people. There are concerns that the awareness encouraged by the 2015 Baby Boomers ‘Fit For the Future’ Act simply isn’t taking hold.”
As millions of people demand regular care from their GP surgeries, walk-in clinics and hospitals, NHS staff and services struggle to attend to all needs. According to official data, waiting lists are on the rise, which means that people in dire need of care and treatment could be kept waiting for even longer than expected. It is argued that the Health Service continues to spend millions of pounds unnecessarily, as a result of unhealthy lifestyle choices.
It is Baby Boomers, according to statistics, who appear to be causing the increase in demand and expense. This generation of UK citizens, born after World War II between 1946 and 1964, benefit hugely from medical advances. Mortality reduction will naturally follow. However, there are more worrying statistics that need to be highlighted.
Around a third of workers in the UK are between the ages of 50 and 70. However, the highest rate of illness is stated to affect people over the age of 55. While much illness in this bracket can be accounted for as a result of menopausal symptoms, much disease and illness is caused by poor lifestyle choices.
This particular group of people face higher mortality as a result of high body mass indexes and unhealthy life choices such as smoking. Improper diet, too, is a driving factor. “These factors are all changeable,” Pollitt confirms. “What’s more, Baby Boomers are more likely to see their GPs than any other generation. This isn’t just as a result of the effects of growing older, but due to a lack of technical know-how, or even a lack of willing to adapt. It is all impacting heavily on the NHS’ funds.”
A lack of education in the NHS, Pollitt argues, can lead to misdiagnosis and continued ill effects – and worse. “The NHS is spending millions of pounds unnecessarily,” Pollitt continues. “We are not spending money educating the populace on prescription drugs. Even our youngest citizens are struggling with mental health and body dysmorphia as a result of social media pressure. Not enough is being done to support positive lifestyle change.”
“It all starts with taking a clearer view of our intake and nutrition levels required for our bodies to function at optimum level. The fact is, thousands of people could save the NHS money, time and resources by adopting healthier lifestyles, as well as improving their own chances of healthy, fulfilling, longer lives. This will also help the NHS secure its place for future support.”
VitaminIV UK supports users with vitamins, minerals and nutrients available through injection and IV drips. These systems offer all the nutritional essentials the human body needs to function, as well as those which will promote optimal health and wellbeing for the future.
VitaminIV UK is focused on offering a choice to individuals who want to improve their health and wellbeing. Data from the World Health Organisation suggests that oral vitamins and pills are disposed of by the body – by up to 85%. Through direct injection into the bloodstream, VitaminIV UK offers 100% absorption of vitamins and nutrients. With around half of the global population taking oral vitamins daily, as the WHO states, VitaminIV UK is keen to introduce millions of people to a more effective way of improving their general health.
Many celebrities are already taking to Instagram and other social media to extoll the virtues of IV drips and injections of vitamins and minerals. As such, VitaminIV UK continues to expand across the globe. “We offer more than just a simple hangover cure,” Pollitt confirms. “We are about helping people make positive changes for longer, more fulfilling lives.”
The World Health Organization (WHO) introduced vitamin nutrient therapy into third world countries, supporting pregnant women and children at risk of mortality from malnutrition and disease. However, with vitamin deficiencies and associated illnesses on the rise in the developed world, it is hardly surprising that the NHS continues to struggle. In fact, it is non-pregnant women who are most likely to suffer from Vitamin B deficiency, for example.
There are plenty of reasons why the NHS continues to come under immense pressure. However, it is argued that many patients are not taking responsibility for their own individual health. Furthermore, it is argued that people are dependent on NHS services when it comes to developing modern attitudes to health. There are many conditions, some life-threatening, which can be easily avoided.
For example, nutrient and vitamin deficiencies and dietary problems may be driving more people to their local NHS hospitals than ever before. While there is a rightful demand for further help from the government, a drive to help UK citizens get healthier and more intake-conscious is also required. The UK is in the grip of an obesity crisis, with diabetes on the rise, for example – but beyond this, how many people genuinely know what their bodies actually need? The NHS is spending more and more each year to keep up with avoidable demand.
“What we offer at VitaminIV UK is a genuine chance for people to enhance their health and improve their wellbeing,” Pollitt explains. “It is not always simple to understand what our bodies actually need from day to day, with so much conflicting advice. We want to offer individuals opportunities to improve their chances of living a comfortable and enjoyable older age.”
“However, we all need specific nutrients to be able to live long, healthy lives. Millions of people are adding strain to our wonderful health service by taking an irresponsible attitude to daily intake. It is not always possible to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle in a busy world, however, which is why we provide a painless and safe health option.”
“Vitamin IV drips shouldn’t be used as a quick-fix for dietary problems,” Pollitt asserts, “Rather, they should be undertaken as part of a balanced lifestyle. We support thousands of active and healthy people from all over the south of England and beyond. We’re pleased to be able to help so many people maintain healthy lifestyles and attitudes towards their wellbeing.”
“Unless more people start to take stock of the risks they are putting their bodies through, I predict the NHS will continue to struggle under the pressure. It is all well and good to demand that the government offer us more health support and funding, but we must meet them halfway by taking individual responsibility. Our Health Service is haemorrhaging money, and much of the responsibility falls to a poorly-educated and poorly-motivated populace.”
The NHS continues to struggle with waiting targets and expenditure. However, its users can help to support its ongoing recovery by keeping healthy, active, and conscious of the lifestyles they lead. Many people are turning to vitamin IV nutrient therapy drips to help them achieve the long, happy, fulfilling lives they desire. “Be the best you can be – and support such lifestyles for the better,” Pollitt reaffirms.