Carers can care well only if they are cared for

Carers can care well only if they are cared for – that is one of the messages to come out of the Sussex Caring for the Carers 2017 conference at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).
To celebrate Carers Week (12-18 June), the conference organisers invited local researchers to share what they are doing to support carers who care for people with a wide range of conditions, ranging from disabled children, to those with mental health issues and people with cancer and dementia.
Speakers at the event on 15 June included researchers from the Universities of Sussex and Brighton, along with carers involved with research.
“Throughout the day several key themes emerged again and again,” said Research Fellow Cassie Hazell, who organised the day.
“Firstly, that carers are a vital part of our society and healthcare system – but are rarely given the recognition they deserve.
“And secondly, how important the carer’s quality of life is on the wellbeing of the person being cared for. If the carer feels unable to cope and take care of themselves, they won’t be able to provide the best care for their loved one. It’s essential that support and services are put in place to support carers.
“Carers themselves play a key role in shaping meaningful research, through participating in lived-experience advisory panels, along with taking part in research itself.”
The often unrecognised toll that caregiving can take on carers was another recurrent theme of the day. Dr Carl Walker, a psychologist from the University of Brighton, worked with 18 parent carers of children with ADHD on a programme to create a support network – he spoke of his surprise when he learned that all 18 were on antidepressants.