CBD in the treatment of psychosis and PTSD

Psychosis is a mental illness characterized by auditory or visual hallucinations (hearing voices or seeing things that are not there) and delusions such as solid and unfounded beliefs (conspiracies, plots, persecutions).
For 60 years, anti-psychotic drug therapies have had limited efficacy but can also cause serious side effects.
In London, the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience is the place of the study which observes the benefits of CBD (cannabidiol, cannabis extract) in the treatment of patients who have schizophrenia: an evident improvement of psychotic symptoms.
The results, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, clearly state that we are faced with something new in the field: this is the first test on CBD in treating schizophrenia.
And if you want o to learn more about what science says about CBD, click here … but for now, let’s start with the CDB oils benefits.
Psychotic symptoms and CBD
Symptoms of psychosis can be transient and reversible following trauma or drug use, but also in many mental illnesses manifest as short-lived episodes. Psychotic disorders can be present in dementia, mood disorders, clinical depressive pictures and severe forms of bipolar depression.
Instead, they are persistent and highly disabling symptoms in paranoia, bipolar disorder and in the most serious of all diagnoses, that is, in schizophrenia.
The latter affects one in a hundred people, regardless of the social class they belong to and the place of origin: poor and rich, graduates and illiterates, can be equally affected by this disease without treatment, so much so that it is defined ubiquitous, even if the environment where the person lives is fundamental for the manifestation of symptoms and the course of the disease.
CBD and its benefits
In the Kings College London study, for 6 weeks, 85 schizophrenic patients from the UK, Romania and Poland underwent half treatment with CBD, combined with the usual antipsychotic drugs, and half with a placebo. The researchers found statistically significant improvements in symptoms compared to the placebo group.
The same researchers also identified improved cognitive performance, but these were not statistically significant.
CBD has a substantially opposite effect to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is because the main active ingredient in cannabis is the substance that causes paranoia and anxiety, unlike CBD, which instead seems to reduce these effects (even in the combined intake).
Furthermore, CBD has not been associated with significant side effects and, as already mentioned, it is an active ingredient already tested on consumption several times.
The absence of side effects is significant, as patients may be reluctant to take antipsychotic medications due to concerns about the side effects themselves.
While it is not yet clear exactly how CBD works, it appears to act differently than antipsychotic drugs and could represent a new class of treatment.
More extensive studies are needed to confirm these findings in other patient groups.
CBD for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder
Cannabidiol (CBD) is used to combat the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. It is one of the possibilities studied by researchers who, in a recent study, observed possible improvements in the behaviour of people with the syndrome after the nasal administration of hydrogels containing CBD.
The potential of CBD
A recent study by Chinese researchers analyzed the potential of nasal administration of temperature-sensitive hydrogels with cannabidiol (TSG CBD) for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Being a component of cannabis, CBD can act on the receptors of the endocannabinoid system to stimulate it and promote the quality of sleep, prevent the generation of traumatic memories and establish the physical and emotional senses of well-being.
For this, CBD may be able to reduce symptoms related to a post-traumatic stress disorder, relieving the feelings of anxiety, fear and depression that people who have witnessed traumatic events often suffer.
CBD TSGs were tested on mouse models with PTDS. The study’s results demonstrated the potential of cannabidiol, which could improve behaviour and emotions related to the disorder, relieving anxiety and tension. Furthermore, the intranasal administration of TSG CBD was more efficient and had more noticeable brain-targeting effects than oral administration.
Overall – the researchers concluded – CBD’s nasal TSGs are safe and effective and have a controlled release. So, since they’re discovering the benefits of CBD oil, like the one you can legally buy at Justbob.shop, there is a promising new option for the clinical treatment of PTSD.