Customer Experience (CX) Outsourcing Philippines

As discovered by technology firm Oracle, 86% of customers are willing to pay more for better customer service. This finding is particularly poignant as far as Customer Experience Management (or CX) is concerned.

Excellent customer service drives sales and impacts the level of satisfaction of customers, thus encouraging their return and consequent recommendation to others.  

But how can a business achieve exceptionalcustomer service?

By centralizing all customer experience basedactivities, via an omnichannel contact centreservice.

This is an attractive and effective hypothesisthat comprises a plethora of benefits, such as cost reduction, increased staff efficiency, effective and accurate brand representation, additional value to the guest’s journey and personalised and data-driven customer support solutions.

Cost Reduction

Centralizing activities in a contact centre provider signifies a palpable reduction in location costs as all customer service based activities are in one space, rather than in numerous locations. Additionally, the centralization of operations also implies a fewer need for telephone systems and computing devices, due to the existence of a single central site, as opposed to many.

Increased operational and staff efficiency

By consolidating employees onto a single platform, hospitality and travel business will be able to increase its operational efficiency. Moreover, they will also be able to benefit from more detail-oriented and centralized training to its employees, thus improving their traininggreatly.

Instead of training employees in different locations, a contact centre provider will be able to train its employees in one single location.

Accurate brand representation and marketing

Representing a brand accurately is of extreme importance. Good brand representation and customer service play a symbiotic role as far as a customer’s brand perception is concerned. A contact centre provider will be able to handle customer service in a more effective way and consequently achieve better brand representation and perception.

Hospitality and travel businesses often launch marketing campaigns to propel sales and gain new customers. However, this task poses to be rather difficult within a disunited framework. By joining forces in a single platform/centre, marketing campaigns will be more effective and propel the achievement of proposed targets more rapidly.

Additional value to journey

By choosing a contact centre provider, the value of a journey or travel will increase exponentially. The provider will be able to control all aspects of customer service such as the pre-booking, arrival arrangements (shuttles, transport) as well as continuous guest and traveller support throughout the stay. The customer will most likely return or book again, upon receiving the exceptional customer service provided by the contact centre provider.

Personalized and data-driven customer support

Omnichannel contact centre provider are able to provide ongoing support in more than 30languages, which greatly benefits any hospitality or travel business. It will also always have someone to tackle any queries or issues that may arise throughout the customer’s stay. Customers will never be left unaccompanied and any issues will be tackled in a timely fashion. Customer Experience outsourcing to the Philippines is the way to go.

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