Emma Cons Gardens in Waterloo announce new events

The Emma Cons Gardens Trust & We Are Waterloo BID are proud to introduce a series of inspiring and uplifting events – SEPTEMBER THURSDAYS AT EMMA CONS GARDENS – which will take place each Thursday from 5th – 26th September 2024, with events planned from 12pm – 8pm.
In celebration of Emma Cons, the Victorian social entrepreneur who established The Royal Victoria Hall (now known as the Old Vic), this exciting programme of events is designed to showcase the potential of this little-known urban space and how it could burst into life with more funding for arts, culture and community events, bringing delight to the local neighbourhood.
SEPTEMBER AT EMMA CONS GARDENS will see this forgotten space transformed into a haven of colour and fun for visitors and residents alike and become the setting for a dazzling programme of free activities and events for all to enjoy. Bursting with colour and life – vibrantly coloured yarn-bombing designs will adorn the trees with over 500 magnificent, crocheted flowers and street artists will bring the Emma Cons story to life in a series of urban themed artworks. Craft workshops offering everyone the chance to get involved too.
Whatever your passion – there’s a host of events to enjoy.
5th September will see the Gardens come alive with London School of Samba, Rock ‘n’Roll dancing, Talkeoke, Morley College Choir and Morley College Ukulele performances, and Waterloo Action Centre Knitting and Crochet group, Waterloo Action Centre (WAC) singing group and board games from Draughts Cafe.
On 12th, 13th and 14th September a Mexican Craft Market will fill the square, acting as an early celebration of Mexican Independence Day. With an eclectic array of Mexican artisans showcasing their wares, there’ll be everything from hand-made jewellery to colourful artworks and even fiery Mexican salsas. Wahaca will also be on hand to serve a taste of delicious Mexican-inspired small plates – and hungry market visitors keen to try the restaurant’s wider menu can drop in to its Waterloo restaurant, which is conveniently situated adjacent to Emma Cons Gardens.
19th September will be Wellbeing Themed with Morley College Thai Chi, Morley College Urban Watercolours painting, and Breathe Wellbeing workshops in massage, aromatherapy, Yoga breathwork and a community gardening workshop by BOST (Bankside Open Spaces Trust). The Dilek Taptik School of Dance will present classes in the gardens.
26th September will be themed around fun with entertainment from the Bureau of Silly Ideas, board games from Draughts Cafe, and more. Craft Forward will host a “Blankets for London” workshop – an opportunity for the Waterloo community to knit and crochet blankets for unhoused individuals in London. London street Tours will present a participatory walking tour of the area with prizes and forfeits celebrating The Wonderful Women Of Waterloo
Local bar, Draughts, will also be on site selling a selection of Non-Alcoholic Cocktails each week too, to encourage visitors to the gardens to sit back, relax and enjoy time spent in this lovely garden.
Liz Sillett, Chair of Business Improvement District, We Are Waterloo, commented: “The Thursdays series in September will provide an exciting opportunity to celebrate the space, its history and the legacy of Emma Cons, founder of the Old Vic and renowned social reformer, as well as promote the vision for the longer term improvement of the space.”
Paul Cons, chair of the Emma Cons Gardens Trust , added: “These events are really exciting, and I can’t wait to see the space come to life. Thursdays at Emma Cons Gardens will be a prototype, to help us all understand how the space could be used for live events and community activities. We want Emma Cons Gardens to become the ‘People’s Garden’ where residents and visitors can come together to interact, have fun and appreciate the wonder of Waterloo. We would like to thank the sponsors of these events, We Are Waterloo, Southbank & Waterloo Neighbours, Lambeth Council, Bourne Capital, Wahaca and The Lambeth Estate Residents Association.”
Canon Giles Goddard, Chair of SoWN added “I’m delighted that SoWN and LBLambeth are supporting September Thursdays. The programme is a great example of local groups celebrating Waterloo’s life and history and we look forward to seeing Emma Cons Gardens a hive of activity.”
Events are being organised in association with Craft Froward, London School of Samba, Waterloo Action Centre, the Bureau Of Silly Ideas, Draughts Cafe, Breathe Wellbeing, Morley College, Wahaca , Dilek Taptik Ballet, The People Speak CIC,, BOST, The Old Vic, and Paris Rock Club.