End of pandemic: investor warns about buying shares in the health sector

The world went through a health crisis, evolving the investment of large health companies to control the situation. Therefore, today, with an eye on the health growth of companies in the health sector, prices remain inflated even as we near the end of the pandemic. The easy money investing in them seems gone and looking at them as value investments may not pay off anymore. Senior Investor Ahmed Alomari p/k/a G Money explains: “I have been betting against (short selling) many vaccine hype stocks as the covid hysteria have been dying down. Many were over hyped, inflated and based off speculation”.
Ahmed also explained investors should take special care when investing in vaccine stocks. “Investors investing in vaccine stocks should avoid fomo (fear of missing out) and understand chasing a stock that is up hundreds of if not 1000% in a short period of time is a recipe for disaster”, he said. “Currently in times of volatility I like defence stocks, volatility products like UVXY until things stabilize and more often than not investors tend to forget that CASH is also a position”, he added.
When asked if the crisis between Russia and Ukraine making daily headlines could cause investors to be weary investing Ahmed replied: “Absolutely it already has. Oil prices are soaring and the market in general is whipsawing back and forth daily, and the market tries to digest each new development. Fortunes are being made AND lost each session. Smart money is on the side-lines until there is a clear confirmation of an overall market trend