Every Body Can Dance: Join #WorldBalletDay 2019

On Wednesday 23 October, join World Ballet Day 2019 on Facebook, YouTube and live at the Royal Opera House, to get a glance at life behind the scenes for leading dance companies The Australian Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet and The Royal Ballet. This year, the event is focused around the theme Every Body Can Dance – and therefore the Royal Opera House will throw open its doors with events throughout the day to get visitors moving and to demonstrate the accessibility of dance.
On the day, the Royal Opera House will be running a series of daytime activities, demonstrations and a free lunchtime performance in its public spaces for visitors to watch or join in. All will run alongside a full programme of behind-the-scenes activity, including rehearsals and exclusive filmed interviews with members of The Australian Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet and The Royal Ballet which audiences can tune into on Facebook and Youtube.
World Ballet Day is a global online celebration of dance, and has been running since 2014. In 2018, 24 companies from 15 countries around the world took part, reaching 313.5 million people. The event also saw #WorldBalletDay trend on Twitter in multiple locations across the UK and elsewhere.
Join the event on Facebook and follow #WorldBalletDay for more updates on the day’s schedule.