EXTREME HEAT WARNING: 5 Things You NEED To Do To Protect Your Skin

Warnings of a 10 day heatwave have been issued across the nation, with The MET office predicting temperatures are set to reach over 36 degrees in some parts of the UK this week. This fresh heatwave comes just weeks after the record-breaking one in July. The wider population could be affected by sunburn, dehydration and nausea among other heat related illnesses, the Met Office said.
Sun protection queries are searched over 400,000 times every summer and with the increased risk of heatwaves, West Yorkshire aesthetics clinic Evolve Medical are sharing their 5 top tips to help the nation protect their skin during extreme temperatures.
A study revealed that 1 in 3 Brits (35%) burn their skin every year in the UK, with a further 46% burning whilst abroad. With 80% of premature ageing caused by UV damage it’s more important than ever to protect your skin whilst we experience these extreme temperatures.
Frequently apply factor 50 throughout the day
Applying a sun protector should be part of your daily routine. But did you know that you should be applying sun block? The main difference between suncream and sunblock is the way they protect the skin from UV rays.
Factor 50 and nothing less should be applied to your face each day to protect your skin from sun damage. The team at Evolve Medical’s go-to is Heliocare 360°, a professional SPF range which protects against UVA, UVB, visible light and infrared-A.
Rachel Green, Nursing Director, at Evolve Medical, adds “UVA is a much longer ray, it can penetrate down to the layers of your skin where your collagen is being produced, causing premature ageing as well as sun damage. Sun protection that contains both UVA and UVB protection is referred to as broad spectrum sun protection and it is vital to wear this all day, every day, all year round.”
The team at Evolve Medical added “Most sun protection products will gradually break down and become ineffective after around 2-3 hours of direct sun exposure, so if outside it is important to re-apply every couple of hours especially during extreme temperatures.”
Stay hydrated
We all know staying hydrated every day is important for your skin and general health, but it’s absolutely crucial to be drinking plenty of water throughout the day during extreme temperatures. You should aim to drink at least 2 litres of water every day. During a heatwave, your body will release more fluid in the form of sweat so you need to make sure you’re replacing this fluid by drinking more water.
Stay out of direct sun when UV is at its strongest
The sun is at its strongest between 11am and 3pm. This is when your chances of burning are higher and you’re more likely to damage your skin, thus causing premature ageing. Make sure you stay in the shade if you need to leave the house during those hours, cover up with light clothing and wear a sun hat to shade your face.
Soothe your skin after sun exposure
According to research, UV rays can still cause damage to the skin for up to ten hours after sun exposure. This is why it’s important to soothe your skin following high strength sun exposure. Aftersun contains a high water content which cools and hydrates the skin which can temporarily relieve angry and irritated skin. Make sure you look for a hydrating aftersun gel or cream that has natural and gentle ingredients to avoid irritating skin.
Give yourself a regular skin examination
Early detection of skin damage is key to not only reducing aesthetic problems but also spotting abnormalities that could be a sign of something more serious. All you need is a well lit room, a mirror and some concentration. Learn the texture of your skin, look out for the pattern of any moles or freckles so you can refer back to these in the following months and if you spot any changes make an appointment to see your GP.