Graduate route visa essential for UK economic prosperity, says NCUB

The Review by the Migration Advisory Committee demonstrates the positive contribution that international students make to the UK. The Review is unequivocal in its recommendation to government to maintain the Graduate Visa route.
Rosalind Gill, Head of Policy and Engagement at the National Centre for Universities and Business said: “The uncertainty caused by the Government request for a review has already severely disrupted international student recruitment. To avoid further impact, the Government must respond swiftly to confirm that no changes to the route will be made. This matters to universities but also to businesses because international students enrich the learning experience of domestic students and also support the UK workforce. Additionally, the fees they pay help to fund research and other university activities, such as their collaboration with businesses.”
Gill concluded: “International students enrich the academic environment, fostering diverse perspectives and cultural exchange. Their presence not only enhances the learning experience for domestic students but also creates numerous networking and collaborative opportunities, preparing all students for success in an increasingly globalised world. In no uncertain terms, universities and businesses alike benefit from our intake of international students, and we hope this enquiry will hammer home this finding.”