Lockdown Has Affected The Nation’s Confidence – Here’s How To Overcome It In Time For Christmas Parties
Following 18 months of nationwide lockdowns, it’s not surprising that the population’s confidence has suffered. With our first face-to-face Christmas parties in over 2 years coming up, clothing retailer Joe Browns are on a mission to get the nation’s confidence back. If there’s ever a time to feel fabulous, it’s Christmas time! That’s why award winning confidence coach Jo Emerson is sharing her 10 confidence-boosting tips to help us all feel great this Christmas!
Joe Browns carried out a survey into the nation’s confidence levels. With over 12,500 respondents, it found that people are suffering with a post-lockdown slump in confidence – 25% of people stated that their confidence is at an all-time low.
46% of respondents admitted they avoid wearing certain clothes because they lack body confidence and over half of respondents (54%) said they don’t own an outfit that makes them feel incredible. Sadly, over 40% of respondents felt their lack of body confidence puts them off wearing certain clothes.
64% revealed that they feel more confident in a new outfit. It’s clear to see the impact of a refreshed wardrobe for the festive period.
Jane Reik, Joe Browns Buying Director shares her thoughts on dressing confidently,
“The secret to dressing confidently is to feel comfortable. The more comfortable you feel in your outfit the more you enjoy what you’re doing. There is nothing worse than wearing a pair of shoes that you can’t actually walk or dance in!
Confidence in dressing is about how you wear the clothes, don’t let them wear you, a great outfit should make you feel like you can take on the world!”
10 Expert Tips From Confidence Coach Jo Emerson
“The pandemic has affected everyone’s confidence but we’ve also shown just how resilient we can be! Some people have taken stock and changed their lives completely, others have simply battled through and many of us have experienced grief, redundancy and ill health. We are all changed and we are all rebuilding. The important thing now is that we care for ourselves and care for each other. Dressing to feel good is a great way to build your self-esteem and to remind yourself that you are important.” ~ Jo Emerson
Manage Your Mind – We all have a critical voice narrating our lives back to us, but they are usually lying to us. Catch those thoughts and ask yourself what your kindest friend might say.
Do YOU – You are a unique and wonderful part of this entire universe. Shine your own light brightly.
Quit Comparing – Comparing yourself to other people will either make you feel ‘less than’ them or ‘more than’ them. Seek to find inspiring people to motivate you to become more fully you!
Get Outside – Walk, breathe deeply, watch nature as it goes about its business. There’s a beautiful sense of ‘okay-ness’ in nature and when we see that we feel calmer and more confident!
Wear Clothes You Like – Dress for you – not anyone else! Rather than wearing clothes that you think make you look thinner or more attractive to others, wear clothes that you actually like and feel good in!
Smile – Smiling produces happy hormones in your brain which, in turn, gives you a shot of confidence.
Do Things You Enjoy – Find time every day to do something you enjoy. Take a bath, have a walk, watch your favourite box set, cuddle your kids, eat a lovely meal – whatever makes your day feel special.
Be Kind to Yourself – Become your own cheerleader. Encourage yourself daily, tell yourself you’re doing well, praise yourself when you achieve something, rest when you need to.
Learn How to Say ‘NO’ – Many people with low self-confidence have become people pleasers who fear saying ‘no’ in case other people won’t like them. But saying ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘no’ means you are denying yourself and denying your truth. Prioritise your own needs, honour what you want and only say ‘yes’ if you really want to do something!
Make a List – Start a list of five things you like about yourself and five things you are grateful for each day. This focus on positivity will truly help your confidence!