Londoners drive a frozen food renaissance as sales rocket by 30% with Gen Z leading the charge

A new study commissioned by frozen food giants Birds Eye and Iceland reveals that the way we shop for groceries looks set to change in the long term. Frozen food has seen a resurgence in popularity, with young adults and families filling their freezers as they shop bigger and less often – boosting sales by 30 per cent. As we think of life after lockdown, is this frozen food trend here to stay?
Iceland and Birds Eye reveal how habits have changed, with the freezer aisle becoming a firm favourite with younger shoppers. Over a quarter (26 per cent) of 18-24-year olds are buying more frozen equivalents of their regular fresh items and almost a third (31 per cent) are trying new frozen foods such as meat substitutes. Generation Z has been paving the way during lockdown and is making frozen fashionable again with 40 per cent of 18-24 year olds stocking up on more healthy frozen options like vegetables, fruit, meat and fish.
But it is not just families and the younger generation turning their attention to frozen, as a third (36 per cent) of London shoppers are using their freezer more efficiently and a further one in five (22 per cent) are including more frozen foods in their cooking. The stats indicate this could be a long-term trend as over a quarter (26 per cent) plan to continue buying more frozen food after lockdown.
When it comes to why shoppers are re-igniting their love for frozen, the cost saving potential of frozen over fresh has been a huge driving force. Almost a third (28 per cent) have noticed how frozen items can be better value for money than fresh, and one in five (21 per cent) agree they can get far more for their money from shopping frozen.
New data from a previously unreleased study by Manchester Metropolitan University, which analysed the financial impact of families eating fresh and frozen food, found that frozen offers around a 30 per cent saving in comparison to fresh; and the average family in London could save a whopping £1,500 a year by incorporating more frozen food into their food shops. With almost half (45 per cent) of Londoners planning to tighten their purse strings when it comes to food shopping after lockdown, frozen food looks like it is set to be a regular fixture on the nation’s shopping lists.
Iona Bain, founder of Young Money and personal finance writer, says: “One silver lining from lockdown is that we’re seeing a new generation of savvy shoppers who are making huge savings on their weekly food shop – often just by swapping to frozen. For the average family, potential savings of £1,500 from this strategy could be a game changer, opening up opportunities that will boost their spending and saving power, whether that’s a bigger future holiday budget to more wiggle-room for home improvements. It’s particularly heartening to see younger shoppers discovering the benefits of frozen, not just because they’re saving money but also wasting far less food in the process.”
Further research commissioned before lockdown by the partnership, which took a deep dive into consumer shopping habits, found that over £188 million worth of food was wasted nationwide each week – and for every £1 spent at the till, more than 15p was money down the drain due to the amount of fresh food thrown away. 93 per cent of consumers living in the city expressed a desire to reduce their household food waste, but a third of those admitted to not knowing where to start.
But it seems that lockdown has given shoppers around the UK the time to reflect, with 47 per cent of those polled expressing they are far more conscious of the food that their household is wasting since March, with the figure rising to over half (54 per cent) of 18 – 24-year olds. When asked why, the top reasons for those living in London were becoming more aware on what they are spending on food (53 per cent), avoiding unnecessary trips to the shop (46 per cent) and being more conscious of the food that is being wasted collectively (44 per cent).
When it comes to food and shopping habits, the resilience and adaptability of shoppers in London has led them to find the silver lining. Just under half (45per cent) plan to be more considerate with their money, a quarter (25 per cent) have become more adventurous with their cooking and 32 per cent are spending more mealtimes together as a family.
Saving money by switching from fresh to frozen, does not mean compromising on health, in fact, a third (32 per cent) of Londoners have eaten more frozen vegetables in lockdown than they did before, with peas, sweetcorn, carrots and broccoli taking pride of place in freezers. 14 per cent of the UK have even increased their vegetable intake during the lockdown months thanks to the convenience of frozen, with the number rising to 17 per cent for 18 – 24 year olds; an age bracket traditionally known as being less likely than other adults to get their five-a-day.