NIGEL Farage said he is going to travel to the USA to meet Donald Trump this week and would have been at the rally where the shooting took place if he had not been elected to Parliament.

Farage also revealed that he was attacked on Wednesday and that he had spoken to Trump last week.

He told GB News: “I was very upset, when I heard the news last night, upset, sadly not shocked, I’m afraid. The narrative that is put out there about Donald Trump is just so dangerous and so damaging.

“We’ve seen it in British politics. There are extremists stroke terrorists on either end of the spectrum, but what we see through mainstream media and social media are millions of people turning towards hatred. And I have to tell you, we’re not that far behind I’m afraid in this country.”

He said that he was attacked in public last Wednesday: “The last time someone threw a drink at me was last Wednesday. I generally don’t publicise it when these things happen.

“Sometimes you see on a full view with something chucked in my face or cement thrown at me or whatever it is, normally when that happens, I just don’t talk about it, but okay now I will.

“It’s amazing that when in the European elections in 2019 someone threw a milkshake straight in my face, Jo Brand, the comedian, said on the BBC comedy program, ‘why waste your time with that, better to use battery acid’ and she’s still appearing on the BBC.

“We’ve had David Aaronovitch, the left-wing journalist, wrote in the Times, does a BBC Radio Four programme, said about five weeks ago that the best thing the Democrats could do is have Trump shot. And he’s still working for the Times. He’s still working for the BBC.

“I’m sorry, but there is too much of this. It’s kind of acceptable to say violent, horrible things about right-wing people, but if I said something about somebody in the Labour Party anywhere near that, I mean, I’d be out in the House of Commons within 24 hours.

“We need to have a proper re-think. Yes, there are bad things said on both sides but I do believe that the role of mainstream media has a lot to do with this.”

Farage said he was attacked last week: “On Wednesday, it was a pint of beer. I always press charges if I can, but it’s perfectly acceptable because it’s funny if I’m attacked.

“It’s the object of a joke and it can be on a major BBC program and no one cares. I’m sorry, but this is all too much one way…somehow the new left liberal elite have this sort of form of intellectual superiority, where they believe they’re better human beings than those on the centre-right.

“That is what’s run through media, education, and that is at the heart of this problem: liberal intolerance.”

He said he spoke to Trump last week: ‘Well, I had a good chat with him during the week and I did say to him if I hadn’t been elected to Parliament, I’d be with him this weekend.

“I would have been at that rally, if I decided not to stand for Parliament. But I’ve now decided, the light of what’s happened, that I will fly out to America this week. I will go and see my friend.

“I’ll listen to his acceptance speech at the [Republican] convention on Thursday, and I’ll do it not just as a friend, but I’ll do it because we have to stand up for democracy.

“We have to stand up for people to be able to campaign. If we don’t, we’re absolutely sunk.”

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