OOOOO – UK’s first live-streaming shoppable platform turning the heads of the big brands introduces innovative gamification to grow loyalty amongst its community

The progressive live-streaming app OOOOO continues to evolve and drive innovation in e-commerce in the UK with the recent introduction of cutting-edge in-app gamification technology to encourage organic growth, generate customer retention and user stickiness by incentivising customers to return to the app daily.
OOOOO is already capturing the attention of big name brands, including recently formed exclusive partnerships with I Saw It First, The Fragrance Shop, JD Sports and Ann Summers with 275,000+ downloads to date.
Last week saw the launch of the in-app ‘OOOOO Tree’ game, with the premise being to initiate a network effect and daily return to the app by converting online behaviour to offline prizes. The game encourages the player to nurture the growth of their virtual tree daily, and once the tree reaches full growth they will be rewarded with branded beauty box and orange juice. Players are incentivised to speed up the growth of the tree by inviting their friends to sign up to the app.
The new ‘OOOOO Tree’ game follows the introduction of ‘Melon Madness’ and ‘Flip’. These games also incentivise player interaction, with the integral technique being to provide the opportunity for players to win prizes and monetary vouchers to spend on product in the app.
Think QVC meets TikTok for Gen-Z, OOOOO is an immersive, interactive e-commerce realm where entertainment meets shopping via interactive, live-streamed shoppable shows. With over +275,000 downloads to date, the app is gaining a cult following of savvy shoppers – who can enjoy live-streamed shows hosted by charismatic hosts and experts, real time dynamic discounts, interact and purchase product in real-time in just a couple of clicks in the app!
Live-streaming e-commerce continues to explode as a mega-trend in China (estimated to reach $305 billion this year, Forbes). Having recognised the potential of this revolutionary technology in the UK, OOOOO was launched in November by two tech leaders from and TikTok.
On par with technological advances by the major Chinese e-commerce players, the company is at pains to develop the best in world class technology and build an elite interactive, entertainment commerce app for mobile devices. Determined to provide the UK audience with the equally immersive entertaining experience to rival that in China, and
Sam Jones, UK based co-founder, said: “We do not buy ads, rather invest efforts in driving organic growth and appeal of the OOOOO experience through building live entertainment into the shoppable shows.”
“Marketplaces are generally designed to keep you in the app for as little time as possible. Amazon is an amazing experience, but often a very lonely and rapid one. The Chinese have a retention first approach, with the apps designed to encourage social commerce, community interaction and daily visits to the platform through the integration of gamification. Customers reap the rewards of inviting friends and whilst in the app are alerted to live shows, essentially cutting out the expense of the ad network.”