Students launch a unique 2018 calendar to challenge perceptions of homelessness

Following the successful launch of the Stories of the Streets photography exhibition, which showcases images of homelessness from the perspective of those experiencing it first-hand, the students are launching a 2018 calendar to support Nottingham’s homeless community. The calendar will retail at £10 and is available to purchase at the exhibition in the intu Broadmarsh Shopping Centre, and online at
With the support of local homeless centres Emmanuel House and Canaan Trust, volunteers from the homeless community were provided with a personal disposable camera, enabling them to share their stories with others. Proceeds from the calendars will be re-invested back into the social enterprise to help support more homeless people this winter in addition to help with further exhibitions across the UK.
Denis Tulley, CEO of Emmanuel House, says: “Clearly the exhibition is evocative and power in the images it portrays. You can see this not just in the comments people have written in response to what they have seen. This is an important project which contributes to overcoming the stigma and restoring the humanity we don’t often see because someone is homeless. The exhibition challenges us to ‘think again.’”