The makers of O2 Nose Filters claim they can filter up to 99% of harmful airborne particles

Holidaymakers jetting off this summer can avoid airborne viruses on the plane by using discrete nose filters.
The makers of O2 Nose Filters claim they can filter up to 99% of harmful airborne particles and keep holidaymakers virus free for their summer break.
Holidaymakers are being urged to use discrete nose filters when they jet off on their summer holidays to avoid airborne viruses on the plane.
The advice comes from the makers of O2 Nose Filters who claim they can filter up to 99% of harmful airborne particles and keep holidaymakers virus free for their summer break.
Research suggests passengers sitting next to someone who’s sick on a plane have an 80% chance of catching the virus.
But by inserting the discrete nose filters inside the nostrils, the likelihood of catching a virus drops significantly.
The tiny filters are so small they can be worn without anyone noticing them for up to 12 hours and new cutting-edge technology means they do not hamper breathing.
Now the makers of O2 Nose Filters are claiming the innovative filtration science used in its design protects and provides relief against airborne viruses, allergies and pollution.
Innovative filtration technology in the nose filters attracts up to 99% of all harmful airborne particles.
Particles, including pollution, dust spores, viruses and bacteria, stick to the filter rather than being inhaled into the blood stream. They protect the nasal and sinus cavities where germs, viruses and bacteria tend to lodge and multiply.
The O2 nose filters can also prevent snoring by supporting the tissues in the nose that relax and vibrate during sleep and can also help during exercise as well as aiding nasal congestion.
CEO Stefan Viklund from O2 Nose Filters said: “The science behind these filters explains why they’re so effective. They work in a similar way to a magnet attracting iron particles – the layers of electrostatic materials capture the particles and as more airborne particles stick to the filter, the filtration effect is enhanced without reducing air flow.
“Our tests have shown the O2 Nose Filters are up to 90% efficient with bacteria and viruses which is great news for holiday makers travelling abroad this summer who want to take additional precautions on the plane.
“The filters can also be used off the plane as well, so if you’re visiting a polluted city or town, then it’s worth inserting them to protect yourself against harmful pollutants.
“PM2.5 particles are the ones which have the potential to cause more damage as they travel further into the lungs. The pollution from diesel exhausts and some viruses and smog fall into this category. For someone visiting a city, being able to filter out over 70% of those will have a positive impact on their health.
“Our tests have shown the O2 Nose Filters are up to 90% efficient with smog, bacteria and pet dander and up to 40% efficient with diesel fumes.”
Stefan continued: “By not having to remove the filters during a full day we’re aiming to minimise exposure – and therefore risk and later symptoms -to any potentially damaging particulates in your immediate air zone, whether that’s while you’re in the air flying to your holiday destination or sight-seeing.”