Thousands of UK employees stage total technology walkout

Thousands of employees across the UK are ditching technology today in a bid to protect their mental health and wellbeing.

Concerned about “society’s unhealthy addiction to technology”, West Midlands entrepreneur Stephanie Henson has founded national awareness campaign #TechTimeOutTuesday to show how much excessive screen-time can impact employee wellbeing.

Hundreds of businesses across Britain are pledging to take a break from technology, ranging from 10 minutes to an entire day.

Businesses taking part include: Moneypenny, J&PR, Fresh Clarity, Tantec and Nachural.

As screentime skyrockets for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the day serves as an antidote for doomscrolling, FOMN (fear of missing notifications) and even eyestrain.

Research shows some alarming facts about screentime such as:

38% of adults check their phones after they have gone to bed
Excessive tech usage can lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety and depression
Britons spend the equivalent of 30 full days a year on their phones
The average person checks their phone around 58 times a day

Henson says, “techtimeout is already proving effective in helping people realise the warning signs to possible addiction that working with technology can bring.”

“We are able to show the benefits of taking a step back, looking at the situation and taking time out to stay healthy.

“Our goal is to help people recognise the risks, understand the implications and then take action to do something about it.”

Henson adds, “There are not only benefits for individuals but for businesses as well in terms of a happier, more productive workforce.”

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