Historical fantasy set in Elizabethan London is the second book to release in The Island of Angels series by Justin Newland.


1580. Nelan Michaels docks at Plymouth after sailing around the world aboard the Golden Hind. He seeks only to master his mystical powers – the mark of the salamander, that mysterious spirit of fire – and reunite with his beloved Eleanor.

After delivering a message to Francis Walsingham, he’s recruited into the service of the Queen’s spymaster, where his astral abilities help him to predict and thwart future plots against the realm.

But in 1588, the Spanish Armada threatens England’s shores.

So how could the fledgling navy of a small, misty isle on the edge of mainland Europe repulse the greatest fleet in the world?

Was the Queen right when she claimed it was divine intervention, saying, ‘He blew with His winds, and they were scattered!’?

Or was it an entirely different intervention – the extraordinary conjunction of coincidences that Nelan’s astral powers brought to bear on that fateful Midnight of Eights?

Justin Newland writes secret history thrillers, history with a supernatural twist. His novels represent an innovative blend of genres from historical adventure to supernatural thriller and magical realism. Author, speaker and broadcaster, Justin gives historical talks and radio interviews. A Ph.D. in Mathematics, he lives with his partner in plain sight of the Mendip Hills in Somerset, England.

Justin explains: “As a novelist, I can write about what happened in history, but, as a historical fiction author, I can also speculate on why it happened and how it happened. Through the lens of esoteric and the supernatural, I can explore the secret history of the events that shaped our world.

Sometimes in writing a novel, and in conducting historical research, you come across an amazing synchronicity that no one else has ever spotted. That was the case with this novel, and that’s why I wrote it, in the hope of discovering just an extraordinary set of coincidences.”

RELEASE DATE: 28/10/2024 ISBN: 9781835740330 Price: £9.99

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