The Turmeric Trend: Is there truth to the tale of the immune booster?

As we reach cold and flu season, many will be wondering how they can boost their immune system. Turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicines and is known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Cortiba Health’s brand-new Turmeric Curcumin range, Yellow Root, offers three combinations to help support a healthy immune system during cold and flu season: Yellow Root D3, Yellow Root B12, and Yellow Root A.

Mr. Vijay Kumar Ranka, Executive Director, said: “Research studies into Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has found it to be a powerful antioxidant with significant potential to reduce stress on the body by supporting liver function. In other studies, turmeric demonstrated that it could enhance the immune system’s antibody response, which is vital in fighting off germs and foreign invaders, such as the common cold or the influenza virus.”

Most Turmeric Curcumin supplements on the market are available as tablets, capsules, topical products, or liquids. However, these are not very soluble, can struggle to reach the part of the body where they are needed most, and can also put a burden on the liver. That’s where YellowRoot comes in, with just 1/100th of the dose needed to reap maximum natural health benefits.

Dr. Malini Sharma, Program Leader, said: “The immune system is the body’s surveillance system, working 24/7 to identify and eliminate the microbes that will make you sick. Your immune system is one of the most complex systems in the body and is made up of various organs, cells and proteins, including; the skin, eyes, the mucus lining of your respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, and the lymphatic system, which includes your tonsils and lymph nodes.

A poor diet, chronic stress and lack of sleep as well as certain medical conditions can impact the immune system. Eating a healthy, balanced diet which is rich in whole foods, fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds is important for a healthy immune system. This is because a large part of the immune system is in our digestive tract, which makes it essential to keep our intestinal lining healthy and functioning well. If you are concerned that your diet is lacking in nutrients and you are prone to cold and flu, speak to your community pharmacist. They may suggest you try natural supplements which can help boost your immunity.”

Dr. Rajdeep Choudhary said: “As the temperature drops, it is very common for individuals to catch a common cold or flu. Yellow Root A helps support a strong immune system in two ways. Firstly, Yellow Root’s active ingredient, Curcumin, is plant-derived and contains healing, anti-inflammatory properties which help to relieve individuals from the direct impact of cold and flu by helping the body naturally cleanse the respiratory tract. Secondly, we have enhanced our Yellow Root product with Vitamin A, often dubbed the ‘anti-inflammation vitamin’ for its central role in enhancing immune function.”

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