Incredible anti-poaching dog Shinga arrives in Zimbabwe to protect endangered rhinos.

Shinga, a specially-trained anti-poaching dog from Dogs 4 Wildlife, has now been deployed to Zimbabwe where she will tackle the poaching epidemic and work to protect endangered rhinos. Working alongside experienced rangers who commit themselves to safeguarding these animals, Shinga will courageously help to preserve the rhino population by patrolling fence lines at the Imire Rhino and Wildlife Sanctuary.

For the past 15 months, Shinga has received intensive training from Dogs 4 Wildlife in South Wales. Sponsored by leading raw dog food brand ProDog Raw, who have funded her comprehensive training and managed Shinga’s diet, providing her with the best raw meals, treats, and supplements, Shinga has made fantastic strides. Now, Dogs 4 Wildlife and ProDog Raw are thrilled to share the news of Shinga’s arrival in South Africa, where her incredible journey can begin.

Shinga has now been at the Imire Rhino and Wildlife Sanctuary for two weeks; she is currently finding her feet and building lasting relationships with her new handlers, Leonard and Elvin. Once settled, Shinga will patrol a 4,500-hectare reserve that’s filled with diverse wildlife, including black and white rhinos. Her role will be to keep these rhinos, and the reserve, safe from poachers.

Discussing Shinga’s journey and the important work she will do in Zimbabwe, Darren Priddle, Founder of Dogs 4 Wildlife, has said:

‘To watch Shinga grow and develop from a young 8-week-old Malinois puppy into the formidable, operational anti-poaching dog she is now, protecting and conserving wildlife at the stunning Imire Rhino and Wildlife Sanctuary in Zimbabwe, is a very proud moment for us at Dogs 4 Wildlife.

Knowing that Shinga will spend her life tackling wildlife crime, alongside dedicated rangers, is amazing and without ProDogRaw’s support, this wouldn’t have been possible. From all of us at Dogs 4 Wildlife, and the team at Imire, we cannot thank them enough.’

Meanwhile, ProDog Raw’s CEO Heidi Maskelyne discusses why they chose to sponsor Shinga and why a raw food diet has been pivotal to her success:

‘At ProDog Raw we are passionate about enhancing dogs’’health, ensuring they become the strongest and happiest versions of themselves. After all, dogs are capable of incredible things, whether they’re domestic or working canines like Shinga; they simply need the right nutrition and support. This is where we step in.

Raw feeding carries an abundance of health benefits for dogs; it is the ideal diet, providing them with all of the essential nutrients they need. Therefore, when we heard about the important work in Shinga’s future, we knew we wanted to help fuel her success.

We have fully sponsored Shinga throughout her time with Dogs 4 Wildlife and continue to do so. As part of this, we have funded her training and provided all of Shinga’s food – including pre-prepared raw meals, treats, and supplements which support muscle development, immunity, joint care, and more. This diet has allowed Shinga to flourish physically, mentally, and emotionally, preparing her for her new role.

Shinga will continue to enjoy a raw diet in Zimbabwe and we cannot wait to see her in action, she is an incredibly inspiring dog who will undoubtedly achieve great things.’

Shinga’s success on a raw food diet highlights the benefits of raw feeding for dogs. For more information about why it’s an integral part of any dog’s healthy lifestyle, take a look at ProDog Raw’s benefits of raw feeding guide.

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